Support Center

All answers on how to build, customize and use fancify's basic & advanced features are explained in detail in this Support Center. Should you have complex issues or special requirements, please contact us.


Types of showcases

Widget showcase

What is it for?

TL;DR: fixed in the bottom corner.

The widget showcase stays in fixed position in the bottom corner of your website, above the content of the page.

Modal showcase

What is it for?

TL;DR: sits on top of your page.

The modal showcase (modals are also known as overlays and dialogs) sits on top of your website with a layer of transparency behind. It appears on page load.

Inline showcase

What is it for?

TL;DR: it's an embedded element inside a web page or app.

The inline showcase is used to embed a fancify widget directly into a website's page. The inline showcase will fit the parent element in which its inserted in.

Custom showcase

What is it for?

TL;DR: deploy fancify on top of any HTML element.

The custom showcase is very powerful because it allows you to make any HTML element of your website engageable with fancify on hover/touch.

In the example below, we use it in our own sign-up form. Other common use cases are:

  • Social icons in a footer
  • Newsletter invitation in a checkout page
  • Yes/No newsletter options in a dashboard
  • Newsletter CTA section in a website

UI/UX recommendations

Use design to hint about the presence of a fancify showcase.
The custom fancify showcase poses an interesting UI/UX challenge to designers and marketers: how do users understand that there's something here to interact with?

Apple and Microsoft propose the use of the ellipsis ...

You can also use regular link attributes like adding an underline and changing the color.

What's more, you can use symbols like Unicode ⇱ (21F1) or Unicode ↥ (21A5) or even emojis 🎉

For example, on fancify's own website, we use a combination of many of those elements to imply there's something to take a look at:


Color scheme of the showcase

Changing the color

HEX value

You can change the color of your showcase using the color wheel or by applying an HEX value.

Where is it applied?

Automatic adaption

The custom color will be applied to the background of the widget and fancify will automatically adapt other design elements of the showcase to suit this main color.



Static icons

4 different native static icons

You can choose between 4 different native static icons. We believe the like and star are perfect for social showcases and the email and @ are perfect for email showcases.

Animated icons

4 different native animated icons

You can choose between 4 different native animated icons. We believe the like and star are perfect for social showcases and the email and @ are perfect for email showcases.

Custom icon

Upload in SVG format

You can upload your own icon in SVG format and even change it's color in the dashboard.


Call To Action

Main Call To Action

Time for copywriters to shine

The first field is for the main Call To Action that will appear in your showcase. This is where you tell users about the value you provide in your newsletters or social channels.

Button Call To Action

Use best practices

The second field is for the button Call To Action that will appear next to the email field or before the social media name.



Ready for Internationalization

Choose one language per showcase

Fancify is available in English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Japanese and Korean.

Only one language per showcase is possible. That means that if you want to add a specific showcase in both English and Spanish versions of your website, you will need to create two separate versions.

The translation will not apply to your main Call To Action or your button Call To Action. You need to write those in the language you're targeting.

One showcase per language also allows you to connect the relevant social media channel or newsletter in the correct language you're addressing.


Embedding fancify into your website

Embedding a widget type or modal type

Copy-paste before </body>

To embed the widget type or the modal type into your website, simply copy-paste the provided code before the </body> tag of every page where you want the showcase to appear.

Embedding an inline type

2-step process

To embed the inline type into a page of your website:

  1. copy-paste the provided code before the </body> tag;
  2. add the ID in data-elementID to the relevant HTML element (the ID will always be the name of your showcase).

This would be the HTML code of the element associated with this particular fancify:

Embedding a custom type

2-step process

To embed the inline type into a page of your website:

  1. copy-paste the provided code before the </body> tag;
  2. add the ID in data-elementID to the relevant HTML element (the ID will always be the name of your showcase).

This would be the HTML code of the element associated with this particular fancify:

Embedding for many social icons

3-step process

To embed the many social channels into a footer:

  1. copy-paste the provided code before the </body> tag
  2. add the element ID
  3. add to your footer one icon at a time

Embedding many fancify showcases

As easy as copy, paste

You can embed as many fancify showcases in a specific web page as you want. They will not counter-act on each other. Our own website uses many showcases on every page.

You only need to add the link tag <link> and the <script> tag once. Then, simply add each showcases' div code.


Email subscribers

View and download subscribers

Table and CSV format

For every fancify email showcase that has the email field turned on (it's always ON by default, and only OFF if you choose to - check #14), you can view the list of generated subscribers and also download this list in CSV format.


Social media connections

Editing after creation

Re-order or turn off social channels

You can change the order in which your social media channels appear inside the fancify showcase. You can also turn on and off at will.



Best-in-class protection

ON by default

Fancify entrusts Akismet for anti-spam protection. That means you don't have to worry about fake subscribers being added to your fancify email showcase (as much as Akismet is realistically capable of).


Privacy policy

Link to your own Privacy Policy


Add the URL of your own Privacy Policy for an email showcase.



How to upgrade?

Access all features

You can upgrade a specific showcase by clicking on the "free" tag next to the title of the showcase.


Sign-up / eCommerce version

What does it do?

Turn off the email field

The sign-up / eCommerce version is a simple feature that turns off the email field and subscribe button in an email showcase.

This is particularly appropriate for use in a sign-up form or an eCommerce checkout, because the user is already providing his or her email through that same process.

We do not wish to bother the user at providing his email information a second time.


Custom HTML email

Extra available option

No SendGrid, no Mailchimp, etc.

Instead of connecting to an email marketing platform such as SendGrid or Mailchimp, you can upload your own HTML email file.

This is particularly useful if we don't currently support your email marketing platform, or you wish to show a very specific email.


A/B testing

Use A/B testing to improve your conversions


Test different main Call To Action and button Call To Action in order to improve the conversion rate from visitor to subscriber or fan.


File download

Give away digital assets in exchange for an email


Automatically deliver any kind of file in exchange for your visitor's email. You can add PDF (ebook, ezine), ZIP (graphic assets), XLS (lists).


GDPR records

Very important record keeping feature


Records of consent keep a tracking of every email subscriber obtained directly via fancify.



What are the limits of free?


A showcase on a first-class plan is granted unlimited views on your website or app.

On a free plan, the limit is set at 100,000 unique visitors on your website per month.

If your site exceeds the 100,000 limit, the showcase will stop showing.


Loading speed

This is for improved loading speed


Turning this feature on will allow a neat caching technique and give your showcase almost instantaneous content loading speed.

The content is either the social media content or email content.


Global CDN

Faster delivery with Global CDN


By turning this feature on, it will increase the delivery speed for audiences spread across different regions of the world by leveraging Google Cloud CDN.

Get in touch

For complex technical issues, enterprise sales, partnerships & press coverage.